Spring 2020 NCSU school project
This project was to create a cohesive identity system for an imagined entity that is not to be a business, but rather encapsulates an experience and provides information.
I was tasked with inventing a fictitious organization, designing its digital identity system, and then applying that system to a set of deliverables to demonstrate the organization's touchpoints.
↳ Brand Design
↳ Researcher, Designer
↳ Solo
↳ 10 weeks
↳ Sketchup 3D, Photoshop, Illustration, Adobe Xd, After Effects, iMovie
This project, centered around building a visual identity for HEXA, a VR app that pioneer forms of entertainment that offer the world new cultural immersion experiences through virtual reality. Each season the HEXA VR app features a new cultural immersion to explore. You can learn, interact with people to complete quests inside the VR while exploring the culture from your home.
Visual exploration began during the first project, and ultimately the second project culminated in visual ideas for these deliverables:
You can found the full creative brief version of HEXA here .
Part one of this project aims to establish approachability with the potential brand (for part 2 of this project), without selling anything or giving away too much information. It required avid exploration resulting in possible launch points.
To begin with, I started to create a concept map and mood board of cultural immersion (my research concept focus) to help me find out what my entity needs.
Throughout the different workshops that we had in class, researches, and trying to finalizing my concept map, I found out that my entity needed to be expressed within new technology like a virtual reality environment.
This new way of exploration offers unlimited knowledge about cultures to anyone without the need to travel.
We were still in the phase of discovery through making but a challenge was added. It was to create this entity of ours within a shipping container because of the brand forms based around the concept that it will be a mobile experience, traveling from city to city.
My entity was about cultural immersion through VR technology. Therefore, I design in Sketchup software a VR arcade where you can design your own imaginary cultural world creation and at the end see it in the VR headset.
The entity architecture is reflective of modern VR trends, using futuristic elements like hexagon shapes with bold color.
Made with Sketchup
Part 2 of this project was given an identity to our potential entity.
With the basic identity established, I aimed to take the cultural immersion entity to the next level, fully developing a brand system called HEXA.
In the following, I have showcased the touchpoints of HEXA, a company that designs cultural immersion VR app that offers the world new cultural immersion experiences through virtual reality.
I came with the name HEXA because in my previous exploration I used the hexagon shape throughout my entity.
After many ideations and iterations, I chose this logo for the brand. The letter X was modified in a way to have this feeling of coming out of the page. Like taking a first step to start a new journey and a new experience.
Since the app features each season a new cultural immersion to explore, the sub name of this brand, and also the X represent this specific culture.
The posters were a way to inform people about the new upcoming culture feature in the HEXA VR app.
Same as the logo, I needed a dynamic feeling to be seen in the poster. Therefore, I chose to design the poster in a way tho have the feeling of movement.
I designed a website for the brand as a medium to have all the information about the company and the app.
From the new teaser of upcoming culture in the app to the previous one or the location of arcades that offer this VR app to people all can be found in HEXA website.
I wanted to show in the teaser some part inside of the VR app.
In the HEXA app, you can learn, interact with people to complete quests inside the VR while exploring the culture from your home.
Made with many softwares!
Uh oh, you have reached the end of this case study!
Do not worry! I have other projects that are waiting for you to check them out!
Thank you for your time and see you in the next project :)